Local News Update XIII

After a whirlwind trip to the motherland of the US and A, it is great to return home to Costa Rica, and again be here to share with you all Tropical Homes‘ latest local news update.  The rainy season continues to not live up to its name, and we are faced with similar conditions of … Continue reading

Local News Update XII

Good morn, afternoon, or evening, depending upon where you find yourself reading the latest installment of Tropical Homes‘ local news update.  Personally, this moment of today finds me in the US of A, patiently waiting for my return to Costa Rica in the morning.  While it was a whirlwind of a time here in the … Continue reading

Local News Update XI

What a special day for Tropical Homes‘ weekly local news update, installment number 11!  While today is not particularly special to Costa Ricans, they are happy to join all of the expats in the area with celebrating the 4th of July!  Our rainy season looks unmistakably like summer, and hopefully the rain will stay away … Continue reading